January 5, 2022
Megan Bridge and Peter Price, Season Announcement

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Megan: Hi everyone, I’m Megan Bridge and I’m the co-director of Fidget. 

Peter: And I’m Peter Price, the other co-director. 

Megan: Hi Peter.

Peter: Hi Megan.

Megan: So everyone listening out there you may remember our food for thought Friday series from last year where each Friday we have a topic of discussion that we post in the form of the money podcast. Well we're excited to tell you that we are starting it up again this year!

Peter: That’s right and we’ll be posting new episodes every Friday throughout the year. You’ll hear from us, Peter and Megan, co-directors of Fidget, in addition to our staff our fellow artists and collaborators, and our supporters and audience members.

Megan: We are really excited to be able to bring our audiences more context for the work that we do through conversations with each other. At fidget one of the central features of our programming is engaged lively discourse with our audiences. The Food For Thought Friday series is a way we can bring these stimulating conversations to a wider public on a regular basis.

Peter: Our first episode is coming out this Friday, and will be a conversation between myself and frequent Fidget guest Christian Hänggi, who will kick off our programming next week with Marx versus Bezos, a talk about the political implications of recent episodes of the long-running animated TV series South Park.

Megan: After that weekly episodes on Fridays will follow our lineup of spring programming which includes: a work-in-progress showing of Fidget’s newest performance piece The Alt.terre, a mini dance film festival, an open jam session for musicians and dancers, several educational programs in partnership with local schools and universities, and thanks to a generous grant from the National Endowment for Humanities and the PA Humanities Council, four new events are coming up in our Fidget Forum series.

Peter: Following local health guidelines in Philadelphia, many events will be hybrid welcoming limited in-person audiences into our space. Some of these events will also have a virtual option. Masks, social distancing, and a brief health screening will be required for all in-person guests.

Megan: So make sure you’re following us on all of our social media platforms. You can check out our website thefidget.org, for all that info. We also will be posting all of the food for thought Fridays directly on our website, so if social media isn't your thing you can check them out on our website as well. Again that's thefidget.org.

Peter: We hope you'll join us on this journey of conversation and thought.


January 7, 2022- Peter Price and Christian Hänggi on South Park


April 9, 2021- Megan Bridge and Rhonda Moore on Archive