November 13, 2020
Megan Bridge and Katherine Desimine on The Alt.terre (again)
Megan (Fidget co-director) and Katherine (Fidget administrator) had a convo about Friday’s presentation of Fidget’s newest work/Megan’s MFA thesis project: The Alt.terre. Megan and Katherine touched on translating materiality and sensation to film, 4D movies, and “Fall; or, Dodge in Hell” (a speculative fiction novel by Neal Stephenson aka Megan’s Favorite Author). Check it out on this weeks iteration of Food For Thought Friday.

Note from Katherine: “As I was re-listening to this convo, I heard Megan say the word phenomenological. I thought it might be nice to give a definition because that is a BIG word and I personally don’t feel like its commonly used. I believe in the context Megan was using it, the definition is: “denoting or relating to an approach that concentrates on the study of consciousness and the objects of direct experience”.

To explore other episodes, click here.


December 4, 2020- Megan Bridge and Katherine Desimine on Touch


October 23, 2020- Megan Bridge and Katherine Desimine on The Alt.terre